published or otherwise made available by On The Box
on the Platform.
Contract of Sale: Refers to the contract between the
Vendor or Vendor’s Agent, acting as Agent for the
Vendor, and the Purchaser for the sale and purchase
of the Vendor’s Lot, as further described in clause
Defect: Refers to: (a) in respect of an Assessed Lot, a
failure of the Lot to conform to the Assessment with
reference to: (i) any traits specified in Table 1 or other
issues listed in Tables 2 or 3 in Part B of Schedule 3,
where such failure falls outside the permitted
tolerances for that type of Lot; or (ii) in relation to
carcases of Slaughter Stock, seed damage, chemical
residue(s), or carcase condemnation, in addition to
any issues specified in (a)(i) above; and (b) in respect
of a Described Lot, a failure of a Described Lot to
conform to the Listing with reference to
characteristics specified in the table at section 3.1 of
Schedule 2, where such failure falls outside the
permitted tolerances specified therein.
Delivery Adjustment: Refers to an adjustment in
liveweight applied to account for any differences in
time off feed when assessing livestock, and upon
delivery. A Delivery Adjustment is predominantly
negative, accounting for a decrease in liveweight due
to loss of gut fill.
Delivery Agent: Refers to a person recognised by On
The Box as a ‘Delivery Agent’ and nominated by the
Selling Agent as the point of contact for the Buyer
concerning the purchase of the Lot, invoicing, and
Delivery: Refers to the delivery of the Lot by any
methods specified in the Contract of Sale, with
'Deliver' having a corresponding meaning.
Fees: Refers to all fees payable to On The Box,
including Listing Fees and other expenses incurred or
related to these Terms and Conditions.
Force Majeure Event: Refers to any event or
circumstance beyond the reasonable control of the
affected party, including acts of God, war, strikes, or
acts of terrorism, but excluding: (a) livestock market
conditions; or (b) adverse seasonal conditions not
physically preventing delivery, mechanical failures, or
delays in shipping.
Full Assessment: Refers to an Assessment for
Livestock conducted by an Accredited Assessor,
involving a comprehensive evaluation and required
for any stock carrying a pregnancy status (PTIC, SIL,
SM, NSM) or Livestock Listings with progeny (calves,
lambs, kids at foot).
Government Agency: Refers to any governmental,
administrative, monetary, fiscal, or judicial body,
department, commission, authority, tribunal, agency,
or entity worldwide, including any self-regulatory
organisation established under statute or any stock
GST: Refers to Goods and Services Tax and includes
any subsequent or replacement similar tax.
Insolvency Event: In relation to a party, refers to any
of the following:
(a) entering into a scheme of arrangement with
(b) being wound up or dissolved, or having an
administrator, liquidator, or receiver appointed;
(c) being placed under official management,
committing an act of bankruptcy, or being charged
with a criminal offence; or (d) being otherwise
bankrupt or insolvent or unable to pay debts as they
fall due.
Intellectual Property Rights: Refers to all intellectual
and industrial property rights and interests globally,
whether registered or unregistered, including
trademarks, designs, patents, inventions, circuit
layouts, copyright and analogous rights, trade secrets,
confidential information, know-how, processes,
concepts, and all other intellectual property rights as
defined in Article 2 of the Convention establishing the
World Intellectual Property Organisation of 14 July
1967, as amended, but excluding moral rights.
Laws: Refers to:
(a) legislation, ordinances, regulations, by-laws,
orders, awards, proclamations, directions, and
practice notes of the Commonwealth, a State, or
Territory, or any Government Agency.