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How to sell livestock or machinery On The Box.

How to list livestock or machinery for sale - On The Box

To sell any livestock or machinery On The Box, you must be a licensed agent or dealer. Please reach out to our team if you have not listed with us before by either calling 1300 092 991 or emailing info@onthebox.com.au

If you are an agent or dealer and are looking to list livestock or machinery On The Box, here is how it works:

  1. If you haven't already, create an account with On The Box via our registration form here.
  2. After speaking with our team, we will create you an agency profile which we can then add all agents who work for your agency under.
  3. Until our assessment entry app* is live, we will send you an assessment form to fill out.
  4. Our team will then create the listing for you.
  5. Once you confirm all the details are correct, we set it live.

Its as simple as that! No additional training required.

*We are excited to announce that we are in the final stages of finalising our assessment entry app which will allow onboarded agents to create and manage listings on the go! More details to come in the next few weeks.
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