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44 PTIC Cows

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  • Lot #: 656
Additional Breed Information
All stock are Vendor bred with the exception of 7 head.
Number of Head
Age Group
3yr – 2, 4yr – 2, 5yr – 9, 6yr – 10, 7yr – 6, 8yr – 1, 9yr – 9, 10yr – 2, 11yr – 1, 12yr – 1, 13yr - 1
Weight At Assessment
Low: 436kg - High 616kg - Avg: 525kg
Nearest Delivery Town & State
Prairie, QLD
Buy Now Price
Auction Ends
Wed 24 Jul 2024, 8 PM
Good sound medium to large framed cows that have a good temperament suitable for the restocker.
Number of Head Assessed
Number of Head Weighed
Peter Thivakon
Agent Email
Agency Terms and Conditions
10 day Trading terms from date of delivery for approved purchasers or through a nominated agency otherwise cash before delivery applies
Cattle Are cattle free from HGP?
Assessment Date
Jul 10, 2024
Time off feed at assessment
3 hours
Estimated weight at delivery date (kg)
Low: 410kg - High: 580kg - Avg: 494kg
Fat Score
2 – score 1, 20 – score 2, 18 – score 3, 4 – score 4
Horn Status
13 head dehorned, 23 head polled, 4 head scurred, 4 head horn
Notable Traits
Flybite observed on a small number of cows, 1 cow moderately affected.
Bulls In
Jan 1, 1970
Bulls out
Jan 1, 1970
To the Vendor and Agent’s best knowledge, did the livestock have access to Bulls / Stags outside of the joining period
Pregnancy Tested
Test completed by
Vendor Pregtested Via Reproscanner
Date of test
Jul 10, 2024
Number of Head Tested in Calf
44 head.
Term (months) at time of assessment
100% PTIC 2-4 months with 3 head 5 months. Vendor guarantee on pregnancy status.
Are the cattle in a ticky area?
Are stock in a movement restricted zone?
Latest Delivery
Jan 1, 1970
Earliest Delivery
Jan 1, 1970
Trucking Access
Local Trucks recommended; Min 24 hr notice required 6 deck road train access Single deck ramp Side loading only
Delivery Points
Bogunda Station, Prairievale Road, Prairie QLD 4821
PIC Number
Vendor Trading Name
Ben & Robyn Brown, Lindsay & Renae Brown
Vendor Address
Bogunda Station, Prairievale Road, Prairie QLD 4821
Auction Start Date
Jul 17, 2024
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Written by

Brodie Agencies

The Brodie Agencies team specialises in Cattle, Sheep, and Rural and Residential Property.
P: (07) 4657 0694
E: admin@brodieagencies.com.au
A: 62 Elderslie Street, Winton, QLD, Australia, Queensland
W: https://www.brodieagencies.com.au/
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