On offer is the first part of the Pandanus Beef Herd Dispersal. These weaners are in terrific order with a great wet season over them. Weaners are very quite, well handled and easy to handle cattle. Weaners weighed 27/02/24 to average 180kg lwt. Sex composition 70 steers, 80 heifers.
On offer is the first part of the Pandanus Beef herd dispersal. These cows are in terrific order with a great wet season over them. These cows are putting everything into their calves, cows are very quiet, well easy handling cattle.
300 Brahman heifers reds and grey small % of Droughtmaster heifers.
#2 Callender branded.
The heifers have been handled with bikes horses and helicopter and were extremely quiet to drive though on a Buggie in the paddock. They look to weigh between 280 to 380 kg on an inspection in the...