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Recent content by Kevin Miller Whitty Lennon & Co.

    On offer are a nice line of 19 Angus Heifers that are 10-11 months of age and average 293kg at assessment (weighed 250kg - 320kg. These Heifers are by Lawson Angus & Outwest Angus Sires, and a portion bred out of Lawson Angus Females. These Females are absolutely thriving on pastures being in a perfect forward condition, displaying beautiful length, depth and softness. Also, perfect Heifers to take on to trade. Bred from large frame Cows Heifers are fully up to date with all health treatments. Vendor also has a lot of 14 Steers available On The Box.
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    Wed 06 Nov 2024, 8:00 PM
    On offer are an attractive line of 14 Angus Yearling Steers that are 12-13 months of age and average 440kg at assessment (TAIL Removed). These Steers are by Lawson Angus & Outwest Angus Sires and bred out of Lawson Angus Females. These Steers are absolutely thriving on pastures being in a perfect forward condition, displaying beautiful length, depth and softness. Also, perfect Steers to take on to trade and feedlot, vendor having very positive feedback from feedlots in the past, steers that will make excellent domestic or export cattle. Bred from large frame Cows Steers are fully up to date with all health treatments.
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    Wed 06 Nov 2024, 8:00 PM
    High: 574kg Low: 467kg AVG: 504kg - Heifers
    An excellent line of 19 PTIC Senepol/Angus Heifers on offer account SOUTHERN STAR RURAL NSW. Heifers present a rare opportunity to access both leading Senepol and Angus genetics! Heifers are 16 to 18 Months old present fantastic growth for age averaging 478KG (at assessment 16/1/25) . Heifers are performance recorded giving potential purchasers an insight into females growth and highbred vigour, data attached to assessment. Heifers were joined for a 6 week period from the 27/9/24 to the 5/11/24 to KAROO Q11 QUATERBACK T33 a LBW Angus bull. Heifers originate out of a program classing on docility, overall a line of heifers that conducted themselves well throughout assessment and weighing process. Heifers are backed by proven Southern...
    Current Price
    Auction Ends
    Mon 17 Feb 2025, 9:00 PM
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