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The On The Box team is growing, welcome Emma.


Staff member
Nov 29, 2023
Today, I am thrilled to introduce another staff member to the On The Box Team Emma Jackson (yes another Emma in the team). Emma is a seasoned digital marketer with a wealth of experience and a proven track record of success.

I have worked for over 20 years within advertising and digital and have never come across anyone who is as skilled at growing a website audience and getting people to buy and sell online especially within agriculture as Emma. She is not only a digital expert but also a marketing expert who truly understands how to help ag businesses grow.

For the past three years, Emma played a pivotal role in building the online audience at AuctionsPlus. Her contributions were instrumental in increasing the audience size, number of listings and overall digital experience.

As Emma steps into her role within our company, we are not just gaining a digital and marketing expert we are acquiring someone who while relatively new to agriculture is incredibly passionate about creating a website that works for everyone in the industry.

If you would like to speak to Emma about any marketing, digital or especially machinery questions you can reach her on emmaj@onthebox.com.au
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