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Last Week On The Box


Staff member
Nov 29, 2023
On Monday we opened up On The Box to listings and the response has been overwhelming. Our first week in numbers
  • In excess of 16,000 unique visitors the majority of which have already returned.
  • Well over 120,000 page views
  • Closing in on 1,000 registrations
  • 10 agencies listing over 80 different lots
  • Each lot is averaging over 200 views with some lots getting over 800

But perhaps the highlight from last week was our first sale which was completed in less than 24 hours from when the lot was posted.

With some upcoming weather forecasts, they wanted a fast way to sell the stock. Other online methods wouldn't work until next Friday, so they got in touch.
With On The Box they were able to list their stock on Friday afternoon where it was soon seen by a buyer who put in a bid which was accepted on Saturday morning.

We are looking forward to another busy week as we lead up to Christmas. On The Box will be open during the holiday period, because ag never stops neither do we.

Thanks once again and if you are keen to have a chat feel free to give me a shout on 0407 589 309 (or greg@onthebox.com.au)
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