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It can't sell if people can't see it.


Staff member
Nov 29, 2023
When we started thinking about On The Box, over a beer and schnitty I got some pretty straightforward advice from a prospective buyer

"It can't sell if people can't see it."

Being lot driven not only means you can get stock up as soon as you want but also it gets a better chance to be seen. As we are in our second month of operation we are seeing not only strong clearance rates but every lot is getting a huge number of views.

We had an example recently when the only time an agent had to assess stock was late in the week well after traditional cut off times for online or physical sales. Instead of waiting the agent assessed the stock on a Thursday and had it on the market within hours.

Not only did the majority of lots sell by the following Monday but they were viewed between 600 times and 2,400 times. These views happen all the time, during the day, at night and over the weekend. It helps when the stock is available to buyers when they have time.

On average each lot is being seen at least 1,000 times helping the agent and vendor to market their stock.

As always please give me a shout or any of the team here if you wanted to talk through anything…and you can view all the lots On The Box here
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