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Australian Beef Trends & Insights - Key Takeaways from the Genetics Australia Conference

Tim McRae

Staff member
Dec 4, 2023
Tim McRae - Head of Markets, is finally back on the stage, giving his unique take on the outlook for the Australian cattle market today at the Genetics Australia conference. After spending more time in the paddock than the office in recent years, he has promised us he has evolved as a presenter & his outlook is more "dirt than data". Find the key takeaways from his presentation below.

  1. The volatility of the cattle market has been increasing in recent years. Significant swings in seasonal conditions have livestock market bouncing all over the place from month to month.​
  2. Cattle turnoff still needs to be monitored - the processing sector is still getting scaled up. Recent weeks have shown up the vulnerability of the market.​
  3. Export volumes look good, and the US herd/production decline is heading in the right direction to benefit the Australian market.​
  4. The production equation remains the same: The right feed + the right cattle = the right result.​
  5. Watch the end to the wet season and hopefully the heat has gone.​

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Tim also featured on ABC NSW Country Hour today (listen from 1:40 - 7:10): https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/nsw-country-hour/nsw-country-hour/103579630
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