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An Update On Our Ongoing Dispute


Staff member
Nov 29, 2023
You can read about our dispute here https://bit.ly/3CwpZLO

We’re talking about it now because we’re tired of the distractions and costs. We would rather be spending our time and money on continuing to improve our website and keep our prices down.

When we started On The Box, we focused on trying to solve the problems vendors, agents, and buyers had.

The name wasn’t even a priority.

Once we worked out the website, pricing and our overall approach we chose a name that wasn’t trademarked or in active use.

We expected AuctionsPlus wouldn’t welcome us. Discounts, rebates, and other strategies were no surprise, and the good news is they benefit vendors, agents, and buyers. We were surprised by some of the legal and settlement tactics used.

Taking on an established player backed by two of the biggest forces in Australian ag was never going to be easy, especially as an independent business.

For too long, there’s only been one major player in town. We believe vendors, agents, and buyers deserve a real alternative—one that wants to listen and puts their needs first.

We’re here to level the playing field.

If you have any questions or want to talk about what you would like to see from On The Box you can always reach me on 0407 589 309.
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