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  • Lot #: 444
1st X Border Leicester/Merino Ewes
Number of Head
Weight At Assessment
AVG 69kg at assessment.
Weight Range
Nearest Delivery Town & State
Borenore, NSW
Sale Type
Buy Now Price
Auction Ends
Fri 17 May 2024, 9 PM
A nice line of 3 year old SIL 1st X Ewes. These fertile ewes are in the prime of their lives & have scanned 157% to very good quality Ridgehaven Poll Dorset Rams (For sale On The Box and unreserved. Link to listing: 3 Poll Dorset Rams).
These Ewes were purchased from A+ in 2 lines and are the complete drop. Due to a change of direction on the Vendor's farm, these Ewes are now surplus to requirement. Buy with confidence.
Number of Head Assessed
Randal Grayson
Phone Number
Agent Email
Agency Terms and Conditions
Normal terms and conditions of trade of Forbes Livestock & Agency Co when settling through an approved ALPA agent, otherwise payment before delivery of livestock.
Wool length at assessment
Wool and Skin detail
Very clean bright Xbred Skins
20/4/24 - Ramitin
To the Vendor and Agent’s best knowledge, did the livestock have access to Rams outside of the joining period?
Wrinkle Score
100% Plain
No. Head tested in lamb
100% in lamb. 85 with Multiples.
Are stock in a movement restricted zone?
Latest Delivery
Jan 1, 1970
Earliest Delivery
Jan 1, 1970
Trucking Access
All weather, B/Double Access
Delivery Points
Lemmons Rd, 15km North of Borenore, NSW
PIC Number
Vendor Trading Name
Angus Barrett
Vendor Address
81 Lemmons Rd, Borenore, NSW, 2800
Auction Start Date
May 11, 2024
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Since 1965 Forbes Livestock have provided prompt, efficient and friendly service to their clients.
Forbes Livestock can take the pressure away by arranging a carrier to suit the size of your load, the best option for marketing your livestock to ensure maximum profit and follow up service with guidance and expertise in the extended regional district.
P: 02 6852 2299
W: https://forbeslivestock.com.au/
A: 147 Lachlan St, Forbes, NSW, 2871
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