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Sheep Auctions

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Avg: 93.4kg. Range: 73-114kg. - Ewe
117 SIL Tattykeel blood Australian White Ewes rising 4 years of age, averaging 93.4kg liveweight at assessment. This is a good opportunity to purchase Australian White ewes in their prime, scanned 149% in lamb to Tattykeel blood Australian White rams joined from 31/12/23 to 11/02/24. These ewes are proven breeders and have been continually scanned every year, with all drys being culled. The Manwaring family of Condobolin have been using Tattykeel Rams since 2014, and over the years have continually improved their genetics. The progeny of these ewes will be eligible for the Tattykeel red tag program, and the Margra program which continually result in above average lamb prices. Buyers note; 3 ewes noticed to have caramel and black...
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Auction Ends
Sun 14 Apr 2024, 8 PM
Avg: 33kg Range: 25kg-37kg - Ewe
Presenting in store to forward condition, being the lead draft of Aug/Sept 23 drop ewe lambs, individually weighed up to 37kg plus. Ewes are out of a well known Central West flock, based on Glen Park Ultrawhite bld. Observed 2 head with light caramel pigmentation and odd ewe with longer tail, neither detrimental.These young future breeders are only being offered due to falling outside current flock breeding program and would normally be retained in the flock. A good opportunity to secure a line of well bred young ewes, displaying typical breed characteristics.
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Auction Ends
Thu 22 Feb 2024, 8 PM
Avg: 49kg Range: 39kg-60kg - Ewe
Very even top quality 1st X ewes, The Campbells have a self replacing Merino flock, Poll Boonoke Blood, classed by Michael Elmes, the older classed ewes are joined to Border Leicester Rams of Cadell Blood. Ewes present in store to forward store condition and are moving forward quickly since recent rains. These ewes represent the tops of the top as a tail was drafted off prior to assessment. 10-11 months old and will continue to grow if given the opportunity. at assessment ewes had a weight range of 39-60kg to avg 49.0kg. Top quality young ewes you can buy with confidence. Liveweight Delivery Adjustment: -4% Estimated Weight at Delivery: Average: 47.1kg. Range 37kg-58kg.
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Auction Ends
Sun 18 Feb 2024, 8 PM
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