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Illa-Langi Angus Bull Sale

Feature Sales - On The Box

Illa-Langi Angus Bull Sale

Auction Opens: Thursday, 6th March at 11:30 PM South Australian time (ACDT) / 12:00pm (AEDT).

Auction Closes: Friday, 7th March at 12:30 PM South Australian time (ACDT) / 1:00pm (AEDT).

Agency Terms & Conditions of Sale: Standard Elders terms and conditions apply. Payment terms are 14 days from conclusion of sale.

Inspection: Inspection day is Thursday 6th March from 11am - 3pm.

Agent Contact Details: Adam Briese - 0428 882 957

Vendor Contact Details: Jarrod Phelps - 0428 837 948

Please note that all auction times displayed on our website are in NSW local time (AEDT). While this auction is being held in South Australia, our system uses NSW time as the default. South Australian bidders should keep in mind that SA time is 30 minutes behind NSW time.

Bidder Information: Each lot has an individual finish time. Lot 1 will be closing at 12:30pm SA time (1:00pm AEDT) and each lot after that will be closing at 5-minute intervals (for example, Lot 2 at 12:35 SA time, Lot 3 at 12:40 SA time, and so on). Please ensure you check the exact time that each individual lot closes.

There will be NO TIMER at the end of each individual lot closing. We suggest placing your max bids early to ensure you don't miss out.

Once the sale has completed, the highest bidder who placed a bid on an lot that did not sell/meet reserve will receive an email and have the option to 'Meet Reserve'. This will only be available for one hour after the sale has completed and only open to bidders who had already placed a bid on that specific lot and held the highest bid at the time of the auction closing.

Illa-Langi Quarterback U14 DOB – 9/7/23 A well-balanced bull showing growth & length with a good topline. Very safe with Low birth of +3.7 up to +128- 600 days, positive fats and High IMF +4.4 Angus Australia Link: CLICK HERE
Current Price
Auction Ends
Fri 07 Mar 2025, 2:00 PM
Illa-Langi Endeavor U15 DOB – 9/7/23 An eye appealing alert athletic bull with great depth and softness. A great spread of figures very low birth +1.0 up to +147 – 600 days and a big ema of +10.8 A heifer Bull with huge growth. Angus Australia Link: CLICK HERE
Current Price
Auction Ends
Fri 07 Mar 2025, 1:05 PM
Illa-Langi Quebec U16 DOB – 10/7/23 A well-structured bull that is as quiet as a kitten. Not the frame and power of some of his half brothers but will be a no problem bull. Angus Australia Link: CLICK HERE
Auction Ends
Fri 07 Mar 2025, 1:10 PM
Illa-Langi Quebec U17 DOB – 10/07/23 A bull with great presence and appeal. A cow bull with grunt showing the combination of Lift and length but has great depth and shape in his rump and carcass. Angus Australia Link: CLICK HERE
Auction Ends
Fri 07 Mar 2025, 1:15 PM
Illa-Langi Quebec U19 DOB – 11/07/23 A good-natured bull with frame and length but expresses softness and shape. A moderate BW +4.6 with sound growth +128 -600 Days. Safe and sound. Angus Australia Link: CLICK HERE
Auction Ends
Fri 07 Mar 2025, 1:20 PM
Illa-Langi Enhance U30 DOB – 30/7/23 A good bull with tremendous eye appeal. He’s very well balanced with size and depth but shows softness and muscle. A real easy doer with BW +4.5 - +122 600 Day and EMA +10.0 Angus Australia Link: CLICK HERE
Auction Ends
Fri 07 Mar 2025, 1:25 PM
Illa-Langi Enhance U31 DOB – 1/8/23 A deep sound bull with a great profile. He has shape softness and appeal. A natural easy doing bull. Low birth of +4.5 up to +134- 600 days, IMF +1.5 Angus Australia Link: CLICK HERE
Current Price
Auction Ends
Fri 07 Mar 2025, 1:30 PM
Illa-Langi Enhance U34 DOB - 7/8/23 A sleep easy Heifer bull with BW +2.8. A smaller frame but a good safe type showing softness and finish. EMA +9.2 Angus Australia Link: CLICK HERE
Current Price
Auction Ends
Fri 07 Mar 2025, 1:35 PM
Illa-Langi Enhance U35 DOB – 7/8/23 Another very appealing bull on the eye. Great proportion and balance of Frame, Depth, Carcass Shape and softness. Stands out in the group he will catch your eye. Good data with Moderate BW +5.2 High growth +131 – 600 Days and EMA +11.2 Angus Australia Link: CLICK HERE
Current Price
Auction Ends
Fri 07 Mar 2025, 1:40 PM
Illa-Langi Enhance U36 DOB - 7/8/23 A very appealing low BW +4.1 bull. He’s balanced with good length and topline and wrapped in a soft easy doing carcass. Extremely good shape and Hind Quarter. Angus Australia Link: CLICK HERE
Auction Ends
Fri 07 Mar 2025, 1:45 PM
Illa-Langi Enhance U38 DOB – 10/8/23 A Top Shelf Bull. He has all the attributes of a top Bull. A standout with visual appeal of carcass, volume, Depth and bone with finish. Great Data to support his visual appeal and performance. Angus Australia Link: CLICK HERE
Auction Ends
Fri 07 Mar 2025, 1:50 PM
Illa-Langi Enhance U42 DOB – 10/9/23 A Cow Bull with some growth, grunt and profile. Stands on good bone with both length and depth of body and good muscle and shape in the Hind Quarter. Growth +138 – 600 Days & EMA +9.2 Angus Australia Link: CLICK HERE
Current Price
Auction Ends
Fri 07 Mar 2025, 1:55 PM
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